Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tomorrow we are having a read-a-thon. Your children can bring books, pillow, blanket and yummy snack. This will be at the end of the day. School will be out at 1:15 not 1:40 so they will be home sooner for you to start your holiday.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Remember to have your children read everyday. Make sure that your filling out the monthly reading calender. Spelling test is coming soon. Next week will be a short week. Your child will be getting out Wednesday at 1:40.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Remember to read, do your homework, and study your spelling.  As you study it will make your learning easier.
Welcome to the best class at Washington Elementary. This is the beginning of a new step in this class. Please enjoy the blog.